Annual Report 2017/18

Annual Report 2017/18

The 2017/18 year has been a fantastic one for New Leaf, and I would like to take a moment to thank all of our programming partners, funders, facilitators, staff and participants for their dedication.

This year marked a huge milestone for us, which was the launch of a new training for educators, called Building Blocks of Resilience. Designed to support school teachers in taking care of their own stress as well as enabling them to help take care of the stress their students may be experiencing, this training acknowledges that we are all part of the circle and to support young people in the best way possible, we have to support the adults in their lives who care for them.

In the name of always evolving and growing, we also set out to revamp our Reaching In, Reaching Out Online Training, and offered that to close to 70 people in Kenya, France, Yukon, as well as across Canada and the U.S., raising funding for our programs while sharing our best practices so that others can reach youth in their own communities worldwide.

We also threw another hugely successful gala event, took part in community initiatives where we were able to share our knowledge more broadly, contributed to a publication on best practices for sharing yoga in jails, hosted a U.S.-based panel discussion at the Accessible Yoga Conference and fostered youth leadership through a multi-school day retreat and in collaboration with MLSE Launchpad’s youth leadership training!

Read on to find out more about the impact we made and the supporters who made that possible.


Laura Sygrove
New Leaf Foundation
Co-founder & Executive Director

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