Annual Report 2018/19

Annual Report 2018/19

With the generous financial support of our donors, New Leaf was able to accomplish so much over the 2018/19 year, including rebuilding our program evaluation strategy and investing in youth leadership. We contributed meaningfully to our “Whole Schools Initiative” which aims to support both students and the adults in their lives in order to reduce cycles of stress and build resilience amongst entire school populations. We did this by hosting our Building Blocks for Resilience professional development training for educators within two school boards, as well as through the launch of a program targeted specifically to parents/caregivers at a historically under-served school in north Toronto.

I’m so proud of our team, the youth we work with, and our program partners for what we continue to achieve together. Our facilitators put so much skill, care and consistency into engaging our participants, and their efforts are one of the primary reasons for the success of New Leaf programs. Our programming partners inspire us with their dedication to supporting the young people they serve day in and day out, and we’re so grateful for the long-term relationships we’ve grown. Our small but mighty staff team work so hard to make great things happen behind the scenes and are truly indispensable.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our work this year.

We are excited to share some of the highlights of what you’ve helped make possible.


Laura Sygrove
New Leaf Foundation
Co-founder & Executive Director

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