Reflecting on the 2018/19 School Year

Reflecting on the 2018/19 School Year

Summer is in full swing, and we have wrapped up our TDSB school programs for the year. We’d like to thank every participant we’ve engaged, as well as the staff that make our programs come together, and our team of amazing program facilitators for a fantastic year!

Over the 2018/19 school year, New Leaf offered 20 programs at 11 school sites — that’s 415 sessions reaching over 600 youth! We also offered sessions for school staff, mental health week, and offered two additional Building Blocks for Resilience trainings to more than 60 teachers at schools in Toronto and Ajax.

In June, we offered an afternoon retreat at one of our partner schools, School of Experiential Education in Etobicoke. It was led by two amazing New Leaf facilitators, Karen and Amanda. Youth explored self-compassion through mindful movement, journaling, discussion, mindful eating, and artwork.

We’re so proud to have partnered with Pelmo PS to offer a program for parents/caregivers and staff. Participants said that they shared the practices with their children and spouses, and that the things they learned helped get them going in the morning or to de-stress during their day.

There is a lot going on at New Leaf this summer, including putting final touches on the work we’ve been doing this year to design more youth-engaged program evaluations, accepting applications for new program partners, and growing our team.

Recently, Kate Love transitioned out of the Program Director position and we are excited to welcome Najla Edwards into the role. We’re forever grateful for Kate’s leadership over the last few years and for all we’ve learned from her, and super excited to keep learning and growing with Najla.

One of our partner schools, Bendale BTI, is slated to close over the summer. Bendale was the second school we ever worked with and our first high school partner. Sending a shout out to former principal Wendy Blain who brought our vision to life and for her successor, Colin Dye and all of Bendale’s supportive staff for ensuring our program was strong for so many years. We look forward to exploring the potential for new programs in Scarborough in the coming year.

Our drop-in programs in Rexdale, Scarborough, and the Regent Park area will continue to run through much of the summer, with the addition of some collaborations with camps and leadership programs, and our youth justice programs continue year-round.

A special thank you to the Lewis and Ruth Sherman Foundation, McCall MacBain Foundation, Sporos Foundation, Mr. Donald Ross and all of our supporters for making our work possible!

Hear from Youth Participants:

“I learned to just be myself, treating others the way I want to be treated and living every day like it is your last.”

“I learned it is important to take care of yourself and relax your body because it also affects your mind.”

“I learned different strategies to help me calm down or just reflect on my days to make them better in the future.”

“I learned how to deal with emotions physically and mentally.”