I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude for  your ongoing support of New Leaf Foundation.

Season’s Greetings

As 2020 draws to a close, I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude for  your ongoing support of New Leaf Foundation. This has been a year of unprecedented challenge and adjustment as we have all been faced with navigating the uncharted waters of a global pandemic.  Nonetheless, we have never been more committed to our mission.

Due to the resourcefulness of our incredible staff and facilitators, we have been able to adapt, pivot, and expand our offerings to include virtual learning experiences, online curriculum packages, trainings and workshops, in addition to a library of digital resources and activities.  Each of these measures has been specifically developed to support resilience-building and the mental health and well-being of youth in underserved communities.

We understand that for many people these are trying times, so it is with great humility that I ask if you are in a position to support our work, please consider one of three ways to make a donation to NLF.

I hope that you will continue to stay connected with us and if making a donation is not accessible to you, you can also show your support by adding us to your preferred social network, sharing our posts, and involving yourself in our growing community by liking or commenting on our content and participating in our upcoming virtual learning experiences.  As we transition into 2021, I look forward to meeting you online or connecting in person sometime in the not too distant future.

Sending Season’s Greetings to you and your families.  May you all enjoy a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.

Warmest wishes,
Shaka Licorish
Chair, Board of Directors
New Leaf Foundation