Warm wishes from the New Leaf Team

Warm wishes from the New Leaf team

As we embark on this holiday season and bring this year to a close, I would like to take a few moments to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of our staff and teachers, donors and supporters, Board of Directors, and most importantly the beautiful young people who have allowed New Leaf Foundation to play a role in their lives.

2017 was an incredible year for our NLF family and we continue to make significant strides in our efforts to make mindfulness and trauma-informed yoga accessible to those we work with. Some of the year’s most memorable achievements include:

  • NLF’s 10-year celebration – a testament to the vision, drive, and focus of our co-founders and team, New Leaf has emerged as a true thought leader within a growing space of yoga service. I strongly believe that we are one of the best organizations involved in this type of work in North America.
  • Annual Still We Rise Gala Fundraiser – Our strongest fundraising event to date successfully raised $60,000.
  • Engagement of over 1400 youth in 30 programs across 14 TDSB locations, 3 free community drop-in programs, and 6 closed-custody facilities in Southern Ontario. To date, we have reached close to 7000 young people since starting our work in 2007.
  • Reaching In / Reaching Out training has successfully engaged 200 people with our best practices and trauma-informed approach.
  • Finalizing a new training for school teachers that will support their understanding of our resilience-building work – both for themselves and the young people they work with.

The progress we have been fortunate to sustain and the work we continue to evolve is driven by countless people who contribute extensive time, money, and any other resources they can, regardless of how big or small. It is an honor to be surrounded by such dedicated individuals who continue to support and advance the ground-breaking approach we employ.

On behalf of our Board of Directors, I want to personally recognize everyone who continues to support our cause. It is with each of your contributions that our residual impact can be felt in communities across the city, province and beyond.

With gratitude, humility, and love,

Shaka Licorish

Board Chair, New Leaf Foundation