In a world experiencing so many challenges, it can become overlooked just how vital care is

Your monthly donation will provide youth in equity-deserving communities with accessible opportunities to take care of their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Together, we can make a difference.

Our Better Together campaign aims to bring together small businesses and individuals to collectively make a big impact. Our goal is to create a web of support where community members give what they can to help us invest in young people, and we, in turn, share resources, stories, and knowledge back with you. 

As a Better Together supporter, we want to give back to you too, so that you feel appreciated and connected to what New Leaf is up to this year. As a monthly donor, you’ll receive quarterly email updates, early access to mindfulness resources, discounts and invitations to our events, opportunities to build community with us, and more.

Pledge a monthly amount

Sign up for monthly giving and foster sustainability in our work. 

Host your own fundraiser

Host your own event or use our peer-to-peer fundraiser tool!

Get your business involved

Find out more about our Better Together campaign for businesses.

Our goal this year is to raise $20,000 through our Better Together campaign to bring our valued programs to schools, youth justice and community settings across the Greater Toronto Area and southern Ontario. 

By supporting us, you’ll contribute to the sustainability of our initiatives, helping us:

  • Build more youth leadership opportunities
  • Expand our programs within schools and forge relationships with new school boards
  • Provide stress and mindfulness workshops to young people
  • Equip educators with tools to prioritize student and staff well-being

If there’s ever a time we needed our community to step up for young people, it’s now.

Thank You Supporters

Your generosity is so felt, seen, and appreciated! Thank you to the amazing people and businesses that have joined the campaign this year including:

Provide youth with accessible opportunities to take care of their to mental, emotional and physical health.