School’s In Session! Vital Conversations on Anti-Oppression

School’s In Session! Vital Conversations on Anti-Oppression

With the recent wave of more and more people waking up to the existence of anti-Black racism around the world, New Leaf wants to do our part to keep vital conversations going. We’re excited to announce the below events happening this fall.

Roll Call: Power? Present! Youth & Anti-Oppression

Join us starting this September for School’s In Session, a series of panel discussions on racism and oppression, the impacts on young people, and how we can affect change within the systems that are causing harm.

For the first event, Roll Call: Power? Present! Youth & Anti-Oppression, we’ll engage with our panel of community leaders, educators, and activists to unpack anti-Black racism and other forms of power as individual and collective trauma, exposing ways that child development, health and wellbeing are impacted by systemic oppression. This conversation is for parents, young people, educators, youth workers, and all community members wanting to better understand the toll that racism and systems of power have on youth and communities in order to advocate for and participate in creating necessary change.

Thursday, September 24
7:00pm-9:00pm EST

Suggested Price $25 / Minimum Price $5
Free for Black and Indigenous folx

Anti-Oppression & Your Wellness Practice

New Leaf is excited to be hosting a workshop with long-time team member, jamilah malika abu-bakare! jamilah has been a leader facilitating anti-oppression education and making change in wellness spaces for more than a decade, including within New Leaf. She will lead a workshop called Anti-Oppression & Your Wellness Practice in October.

Learn more about the practice of anti-oppression: define important terms, reflect on key questions and practice opening your perspectives to experiences you may not know. Together we will reflect on how we can dismantle systems of power using the same tools we learn in our mindful movement practices.

Thursday, October 15
7:00pm-9:00pm EST

90-minute workshop followed by 30-minute Q&A
Hosted via Zoom

Sliding Scale $50 – $100
Free for Black and Indigenous folx