Better Together Campaign | New Leaf Foundation

Together We Can Make a Difference

"Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have." - Margaret Mead

Our facilitators have shared so many experiences over the years of noticing young people slowly let down their guard over the course of a program… finally laying down at the end of a session and closing their eyes, drifting off to sleep despite being in a circle of their peers with staff or teachers sitting on the sidelines.

It’s these seemingly small but powerful signs of releasing vigilance, of feeling safe enough to rest, that might be most meaningful to us… the moments that may not show up in an evaluation survey but remind us how important our programming is.

In a world experiencing so many challenges, it can become overlooked just how vital care is. Creating space for someone to feel valued and seen. A space where people feel they can build a sense of agency, gain insights into themselves and tap into their strengths. We all need connection to survive and thrive. Care can be a lifeline.

It’s autumn and the start of a new programming year for New Leaf. We’re zeroed in on doing everything in our power to ensure young people in our communities have opportunities to take care of their mental, emotional, and physical health.

This year we’re asking our supporters to help us make an impact in any way you can.

We’re excited to relaunch our community-giving campaign, Better Together, and are aiming to raise a much-needed $20,000 to bring our valued programs to schools, youth justice and community settings across the Greater Toronto Area and southern Ontario.

If there’s ever a time we needed our community to step up for young people, it’s now.